Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I'm still here.

The first of the year is always hard for me. I get overwhelmed with what I haven't done, you know, that setting of goals and not keeping them thing. I'm doing something different this year and when I figure it out I will let you know...maybe.

I'm also trying to keep my head above water with my children's I'm knee deep in the Constitution right now and neck deep in writing assignments.

And...on top of it all, we are moving. Not to the house that we were supposed to have built 3 years ago, but to another rental, with a little more room, just so I can keep my sanity.

I, of course, feel somewhat guilty of this because I know that I am very blessed in having comforts in my life, can only take so much of three teenage girls sharing a room.

So, know that I read your blogs and I will comment now and again, but life, for awhile, will get the best of me.


Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year!!!!!

This was from last year's celebration. This year we just went out and yelled "Happy New Year!" really loudly for all the sleeping neighbors to hear!

I've enjoyed the association with all of my bloggy buddies over the last couple of years.
You're like the marshmellow in the hot chocolate.
The cherry on the icecream.
The frosting on the cake.
You make life sweet!
Here's to another great year of sharing the little snippets of our lives!