Thursday, January 25, 2007

I can do this...really...

Why blog? I've asked myself that question a hundred times as I sit in front of my blank computer screen trying to think of what to write. Why do I want to do this? I've started three blogs only to delete two of them, the third is still out there in cyberspace, forgotten...alone, because I couldn't figure out how to delete it - and now I can't remember where it is!

Over the past year I have experienced a lot of tests, trials and growing pains. I've had my faith tested over and over again. I have learned a lot. But I wonder what good comes from all that we learn if we keep it to ourselves? The things that have touched me deeply and that have been most influential on me, that have changed me or moved me to action have mostly come from the written word, be it a book, a talk, a scripture, a quote or even another persons blog. I have gleaned many beautiful insights from others experiences, perspective, and thoughts - things that they have taken the time to write down and to share, and my life is better for it.

So I guess I blog to share. I will share some of the experiences I have had that have increased my faith. I will share insights on books I have read. I will share things that have inspired me, and my "ah ha" moments - moments of enlightenment that have changed me or moved me to action. I will share in the hopes that my experiences, insights and inspirations will lead you to your own epiphanies and that you, in turn, will share with me.

Whew...I did it. My first post! Now that it's done I'm actually looking forward to this adventure...I think.


PJ said...

I love, love, love this! I know we all want to hear what you have to say. I look forward to it. Thank you for all the support on "The Porch".
PS. Your Children have grown soo much! Beautiful!

The Practicalist said...

Looking forward to it! I have found this to be somewhat therapeutic, probably more because I can complete my rambling thoughts without the "Oh,get off of it already" look to distract me.

Have fun with it!

mindyluwho said...

Have I had that look on my face before?! I love your rambling thoughts. They make me think.