Monday, February 05, 2007

Writers Block & Monday's

I can think of a billion things to write when I am not at the computer, but then when I get here and see the blank white screen in front of me...

So today went as usual. Get up (good), drive kids to seminary (good), come home and read scriptures (really good), fall asleep while reading scriptures (ummm...), wake up to the doorbell-- kids home from seminary (already?), breakfast (muffins--yumm), choretime (listen to kids fight over chores), laundry, dishes, (etc. etc. etc.), oops forgot devotional (oh well, too late), writing time with kids (fight with older son), go in closet and cry (daily), lunchtime (bagel with lots of cream cheese), try out new workout place with older kids (spend rest of day recovering), go to park and play baseball with little boys (ouch...boy can he swing!), go to market for dinner fixins' (fish & chips!), oh yea, forgot to finish laundry, house is a mess, oops-- is the fish defrosted? (where are those dang kids), Hubby's on his way home-- gotta go!


PJ said...

What I don't understand is how we moms can do so much and NOT be in a size 4 jeans? I lost 2lbs just reading that! ;)
Hope your fish was good!

mindyluwho said...

And that was only what I could remember, some of the day went by in a blur!

Fish was yummy!

Big Mac said...

I always wondered what went on during your normal week. I suspected that you might be nuts but I never had the evidence. I look forward to reading more of your words of wisdom.

mindyluwho said...

Convicted by my own words, from one nutty sibling to another! Love ya Mac!

Maine Mom said...

Oh the joy of motherhood...isn't it great?! I just discovered your blog through PJ and I hope you keep writing...your posts are fun to read :-)
I too can think of many things to blog about when I'm not at the computer, but then draw a blank when I sit down to write. It helps me to jot down notes throughout the day of what I want to write about. I can only remember so many things!!

The Practicalist said...

Ahhh, you got it goin' on, sis!

That explains why you haven't written in while...

Luv ya!

PJ said...

Happy Birthday!!