Friday, April 18, 2008

I've been SEW busy...

I'm tired of my best friend. She's been all up in my face lately. Usually we have fun together, but this time I haven't enjoyed her company so much. We're going to have to give each other some space. Next time we get together it will be on my terms.

(My girls are in a Shakespeare play and I am on the costume committee.)


Maine Mom said...

I'm sorry you haven't been enjoying your best friend lately. :-)

Good luck with the play! I'm sure it's keeping you and your girls VERY busy!

Yvonne said...

Oh my, a Shakespeare play--those would be DIFFICULT costumes. No wonder you're not enjoying your friend ; )

Hope it all comes together.

Suzanne said...

Wow, that's probably a lot of sewing. Your best friend will owe you after that! ;) If my sewing machine was my best friend, then I'll bet it really feels neglected because I've only used it once in the past year!

Rebecca said...

Shakespearian costumes? Wow. I'm impressed. Are you doing those complicated neck ruffles and everything?

Michal said...

post pics of the costumes, please, please, please! we are dying to praise your talents.

Nancy Face said...

She's a Bernina! I've always wanted a Bernina best friend, but when it comes down to it, I'm too much of a cheapskate to pay the price! But my budget Singer is NOT a best friend! >:(

I just finished making 12 table toppers out of hot pink glitter satin for Lauren's wedding reception. They are 70" square...that adds up to an awful lot of rolled hems...UGH! I need a break from my NOT so best friend! ;)

PJ said...

I heard of a sewing machine. I think I have one buried deep in a closet.

Well hope the two of you mend your friendship. HA! Ha!

BTW, I would love to have a retreat with all the girls!

Jenny said...

I'm in, PJ. Where and when?