I love the end of May. It signifies the end of the school year, the end of seminary, the end of dance lessons, the end of baseball, the end of trapshooting, the end of piano lessons, the end of endless chauffering of kids from here to there and everywhere. Right around the middle of May I get tired...very, very tired. I start thinking about next year and trying to figure out how I can stop the endless running around. I wish I lived on a farm, way out in the country, away from all the "life enriching" activities that I think my kids need.
I've been taking an online class where we read, study and discuss great literature and inspiring documents. The first document we discussed was Your Refined Heavenly Home, by Douglass L. Callister. I love this speech. Actually, I don't love this speech. Well, I do and I don't! It's an amazing speech that has caused me to take a closer look at the environment of my home. I love it because it has caused me to really think about my home and how conducive it is to cultivating the type of refinement that he talks about. And I don't love it because taking a closer look is painful! I so desire to have a "Refined Heavenly Home", but I have a looooong way to go!
I believe the first step to having a home where refinement can grow is to have a home that is ordered. I grew up in a home without order. There was constant clutter everywhere. I craved order, but did not know how to get it. Sometimes the only place in my home that was clean was the bathroom floor. I would take my book into the bathroom and sit on the floor to read. When I grew up I determined that I would have an ordered home. However, I was not taught good habits and consequently it has taken me years to understand how to order my home. In fact, I am still trying to figure it out. My problem, well one of many, is consistency. I start something, but can never follow through to completion.
One of my favorite scriptures is from Abraham 4:18. After completing their creations on the fourth day, “...the Gods watched all these things which they had ordered until they obeyed.” First the Gods put the elements in their place, then they watched them to see that the elements stayed. This does not mean they just sat and watched the elements, it also does not mean they forced the elements to obey. They would have had to keep making corrections and fine tuning things until the elements completely understood their place. The Gods prepared a place of order before introducing flesh on the earth. They created a beautiful place that refinement could then take place in.
See, that's what I'm not good at. The fine tuning. My world would have been one of chaos because I would have gotten everything in place and then...well actually it wouldn't have even gotten to that stage. I would have planned everything, had it written up on paper with umpteen charts, graphs, and illustrations...and then stopped.
But I keep trying. I can give myself credit for that. This week I have been going through my house area by area, purging and organizing; putting everything in place. I have such a strong desire to change. Over the past year I have been changing and learning and growing...minutely, but still progressing. I will perservere!
Go read the article and then tell me what you think.
I will go and read the article, but I just wanted you to know that the important thing is that we keep trying. We're all here to learn and grow and it's a process!
I'll be back.
I haven't read the article yet, but I want to. Elder Callister came to our Stake conference a few years ago and I loved listening to him!
Creating order in a home, especially with children around is a constant process. It sounds like you are on the right track by focusing on one area at a time. And if your house is anything like mine, then that clean area will need work again in a week or two and I don't say that to discourage you, but to let you know that it's normal and all of us moms are driven crazy by it. :-)
I LOVED it. "Do you want to date my princess?" In this world it's so easy to forget who you are and "lose your vision."
It made me want to go put on some Chanel No. 5. ;)
Thanks for the visit! I really like your blog.
Thought-provoking post!
sorry it has taken me so long to comment. i read your post days ago--i've missed you since you've been too busy to post very often. but i wanted to take the time to read the talk by elder callister and i'm so glad that i did read it. thank you so much for sharing it. i want to have a refined home that prepares my family to enter our refined heavenly home. this talk helped me remember the importance of refinement, of culture, and manners, of order and taking pride in our homes and our appearances. some of these things come more naturally than others, but it is good to realize that they are worthwhile pursuits--not old fashioned and stodgy. i will be studying this talk further, as i believe that i can learn a lot from it. so thanks again. and let's go play at the park next week. i'm ready!:)
You have the desire, and you are making progress...that is just wonderful! :)
I have such a hard time with consistency too! I start out with such good intentions, but slowly slip back into my old bad habits. I'll definitely check out the article and get back to you about it! :)
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