Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Change Is Coming...

Can you say SOCIALISM?

The good news is my stint in the rain paid looks as if Prop 8 is going to pass! With 95% of the precincts reporting it was passing by 52%. Close-but a victory nonetheless!


Suzanne said...

Yay! Good for you, for standing up to protecting marriage! :)

Nancy Face said...

I'm extremely unhappy about the results of the Presidential election...but I'm so excited and amazed about Prop 8 being ahead! HALLELUJIAH! :D

Yvonne said...

I keep checking to make sure Prop 8 passes--I have to admit I was pretty worried.

Elizabeth said...

I heard on the news today about it passing and was so happy! Good job in getting out there!!

Michal said...

yee-haw! we did it!:)

i guess we have a few years of "spreading the wealth around" to look forward to. europe is thrilled because we are on track to becoming just like them. i keep looking for the silver lining. i guess it's prop 8.

The Practicalist said...

Good Job! I sure wish people would quit thinking this is about civil rights. At least more people see it for the protection of the family and society that it is. You should feel very good about your efforts.

Rebecca said...

I'm so proud of you!

About the socialism thing...Sue at Navelgazing at its Finest ( had an interesting post on the subject.

I don't like getting into political discussions, but I voted third party this time.

I don't consider it a wasted vote if I'm voting for my conscience!

Jenny said...

Yeah, for you and for being an example for your children! Thanks for helping it pass. That's good news for the rest of the country.

1/2 a Dozen said...

I agree with Jenny! It's especially significant because Cali seems to set the pace on many issues!