It's funny but even though I haven't posted for a LOOOONNNNGGGG time, I still get visitors to my site. On the average of about 2 per day. I was curious as to who was coming by since I haven't posted in eons, so I browsed my sitemeter tracking file and found that almost all the people who came to visit were either sick and bored or very very hot.
Well, in other news, guess where I went last weekend??? It was a quick get-away with my husband and it was FREE too! He bought enough material from a manufacturer to qualify so we had a sweet four days (two spent flying) together. The ocean in Puerto Rico is the most beautiful color of turquoise and the weather was superb. From our room we could see two oceans, the Atlantic and the Carribean. Very cool!
Well, I've not got much else to say. Just trying to keep my head above water! Wish I were still in the Carribean doing that...
Hi Mindy! I see you on bloglines:)
So happy you were able to get away with your honey:)
Sam and I have been to Puerto Rico, the water is amazing.
OK, back to conference;)
Glad to hear you're still with us ;)
Sounds like you've been busy, and it's mostly been fun! Good for you!
How fun to go to Puerto Rico--such a beautiful place. I'm glad you had such a wonderful trip.
It has been a really long time since you posted. How about a General Conference post--would love to read your thoughts ; )
I'm soOOo happy for you! What a fabulous trip it must have been, YAY! :D
I stop by sometimes to see if you're still alive! :)
What? I thought you went to Cuba?
trying not to be jealous over here of your wonderful getaway. i've been a slacker blogger/blog reader lately myself, so i completely understand. sometimes other things just have to take priority.
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