Saturday, October 31, 2009

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Dear Mom,

Happy Birthday.

You have been gone over six years now and I still miss you.

I miss your soft hands.

I miss your hugs.

I miss calling you and hearing you tell me how wonderful you think I am.

When you're house hunting for my mansion, please make sure it has a wraparound porch with a couple of rocking chairs so we can sit and catch up. And you can tell me things like who shot JFK and I'll tell you things like I totally get you now that I'm a mom with teenagers.

I'll tell you about that Relief Society lesson we had a couple of weeks ago on honoring your parents and how I raised my hand and said that the best way I knew of to honor you was to be the kind of woman you wanted me to be. And how it made me think of The Poem, you know, the one your mother gave to you and you gave it to your daughters...

My Daughter

I whispered my prayer to an angel

As it flew toward the gates of pearl,

And lo, on the wings of morning

God sent me a baby girl.

In her eyes still lingered the starlight

On her cheeks the soft tint of a rose;

She was all that I dreamed of and longed for

From her head to her tiny pink toes.

And I prayed as I nourished my treasure

That her body and mind would grow right,

That life would unfold all its richness

In response to a soul clean and bright.

And I pledged all the love of a mother,

All the spirit of childhood reborn,

All the bonds of a friendship through girlhood,

All the trust through to womanhood’s mourn.

Where I hope to see standing a symbol

Of purity, courage, and love,

Ready to face life undaunted,

Through the prayer that was whispered above.

~Author Unknown

I will keep striving to live up to that standard.

Thank you for giving me life.

I love you.


Thursday, October 08, 2009

This is a random post...

This is my new toy...

I saved for almost a year for it.
It is a saweeeet ride.

See where that big stump is on the right side of the picture
(next to the fallen tree)?
That's where my front porch is going to be!

To those who know how long we have been waiting (four years)...
We might actually get to build our dream home now!

But I won't hold my breath...

These are my toes in my favorite pair of flip-flops.

I told you this was a random post.

These are three of my goofy kids.

I'm never sure what I'm going to find on my camera
when I download my pictures.

So yes...I'm still alive.
Posts are percolating around in my head,
but have yet to make it out.

That is all.