Thursday, October 08, 2009

This is a random post...

This is my new toy...

I saved for almost a year for it.
It is a saweeeet ride.

See where that big stump is on the right side of the picture
(next to the fallen tree)?
That's where my front porch is going to be!

To those who know how long we have been waiting (four years)...
We might actually get to build our dream home now!

But I won't hold my breath...

These are my toes in my favorite pair of flip-flops.

I told you this was a random post.

These are three of my goofy kids.

I'm never sure what I'm going to find on my camera
when I download my pictures.

So yes...I'm still alive.
Posts are percolating around in my head,
but have yet to make it out.

That is all.


Yvonne said...

Congrats on selling the lot--with the economy being what it is, that is cause for CELEBRATION ; )

Glad you are enjoying your new toy.

I think it's always fun to see what pictures kids take, isn't it.

Looking forward to all your thoughts about Conference.

Nancy Face said...

I hope you get to build the house!

If I had flip flops like your pink ones, they'd be my favorites too!

Fun, fun kid pics! :D

Brigetta Schwaiger said...

Congrats on the sale, and the goofy kids, and the cool new flip flops and the fact that your toes are painted, not chipping like mine.