Tuesday, September 06, 2011

And More Changes

I've always wondered what it would be like to have my kids at school all day.

I'm a homeschooler.  I have always had my kids at home with me.

There are some days when I wished they were at school.  Days when all they did was fight all day.  Days when the table was piled high with books and paper and pens and pencils and art supplies.  Days when the floor was piled high with clothes and shoes and the ever present Lego's that I inevitably stepped on with my bare feet.  Days when the house was a mess because we were doing school all day.  Or days when the house was clean because we didn't do school that day.

I could never seem to do both.

But today they are gone.  Today they started school in a place that was not home.  It's been a gut-wrenching decision to send them, but it was what was right for us right now.  It may not be right next year, or even next semester, or even next week.  But it was right today.

And today I sent them off to school.

And I have been crying ever since I drove away from the school.

And now I know what it's like to have them in school all day.

It is lonely.


Carrot Jello said...

You could always volunteer to work at the school ;)

Yvonne said...

I think Carrot has the right idea.

Hang in there--it will get easier.

Phae-Jae said...

I don't handle change well, I feel for you sista! You are amazing, and I love you so much.

Rebecca Blevins said...

Hey, Mindy! It's been a loooong time. I'm sending virtual hugs your way. (((hugs))) It looks like you might need a few. I'm sorry this is difficult for you (I know how that would feel for me!), but you will be given the strength to get through it. :)