Friday, April 09, 2010

So Very Blessed

Today while running errands I listened to Dennis Prager.  A caller was telling a story about a friend of his who is a quadriplegic.  To sum up, his friend was wheeled into a room with a young man who was also a quadriplegic.  The friend tried to initiate a conversation with the young man only to discover that the young man was paralyzed from the mouth down, so could not speak.  The friend kept track of this young man.  Eventually the young man was given an optical device where he could use his eyes to look at letters to spell what he wanted to say.  Those who provided it for him asked him if he could do anything, what would it be?  

Would he like to go to Disneyland? 


Would he like to go to Disney World?


They really wanted to do something for him so they told him they would do anything or take him anywhere he wanted to go.

What would he like to do most in the world?

He typed....



I smiled all the way home.

I smiled at my children when I got home.

I am smiling right now.

Monday, April 05, 2010

Still Rowing

Last night as I knelt in prayer and reflected with the Lord upon the day (being Easter) my mind reviewed the many references to the Saviors Atonement given in General Conference.    As I proffered my deep gratitude this post came to my mind. 

To recap, I had been going through a horrific struggle in my life.  A struggle that had taken a few precious years away from me.  I clearly remember the hopeless feeling I felt while on my knees and then crying myself to sleep.  I clearly remember the dream.  I clearly remember the feeling the next day as I was driving in my car and suddenly understood how the Atonement works. 

It’s been over three years since I’ve had that experience and as I contemplated it I realized that I still struggle against the things I struggled with then.  I still get that panicky feeling.  But I am still rowing. 

Only, I am not rowing alone; if so, I wouldn’t have made it this far. 

My little craft is like an acorn cap bobbing in the current of the Mighty Mississippi.  My oars are like toothpicks with which I am frantically paddling to navigate the currents and whitewater that constantly threatens to capsize me.  And I have been capsized.

But still, I have made progress.

Because each time I have been capsized, I have been scooped up, dried off and set back on course.  I have been guided on my way, pushed from behind, and in the worst of times, I have been picked up and carried in the palm of His hand.

I love Easter and the opportunity it affords to contemplate the great, eternal sacrifice of our Savior.  But I love even more that every day I can avail myself of that sacrifice.  Every day the Atonement is alive and working in my life. 

Every day is a new beginning.