Friday, February 01, 2008

Shhhhh...I'm hiding out in my room so that my girls won't find me. They want me to help clean their room...It looks like a tornado hit it...all I want to do is get a big trash bag and start throwing things away...

Darn, they found me.


Yvonne said...

Sorry you were found ; (

Maine Mom said...

I just love it when my kids ask me to help them clean up and then I end up doing 99% of the work myself.
I have been known to get the trash bag when they are not home and do some "cleaning up". Most of the things that end up in the trash bag are never missed.

I'm sorry they found you, too!

Lauren said...

You have a cute blog! I am glad you stopped by mine...wanna be friends? ;)

Carrot Jello said...

Of course they'll find you in your bedroom.
You need to hide at the mall, or Dairy Queen, or somewhere they can't drive to.

Rebecca said...

How about hiding in the sink full of dirty dishes or the laundry pile?

Depending on how old and willing to help they are they may never find you there...

Bradley said...

I think that takes the award as the best blog post of the day!!!

Tristi Pinkston said...

I have no problem at all with going into my kids's rooms armed with trash sacks. It's very theraputic.

mindyluwho said...

Yvonne- I was sorry too!

Joey- I too have used the trash bag, many times!

Lauren- yes I'd love to be friends!

Rebecca- my kids would never find me, they avoid work like it was the plague!

Bradley- why, thank you!

Trista- I have used that form of therapy many times!

mindyluwho said...

Carrot- I love your idea best...there's a Dairy Queen at the mall!

Elizabeth said...

So did you get the trash bag or did you actually clean it for them? Don't answer that. I don't want to know. I don't remember OUR mom ever helping us with our room, do you? So why do we have to help our kids with theirs?!